Plot a function in mathscript node labview
Plot a function in mathscript node labview

plot a function in mathscript node labview

To determine C, as the capaci- tor is discharging, the voltage difference V between its plates is measured at 5 millisecond intervals, resulting in the following data set: 0.005 0.010 8.7 6.3 0.015 0.020 4.5 3.3 0.025 2.4 0.030 1.7 V (V) Theoretically, the relation between V and t is given by V=Ve-WRC where V, is the voltage across the capacitor at t = 0. Use the MathScript plots functions in the LabVIEW MathScript Window or the MathScript Node to create 2D and 3D plots. Discharging Capacitor Beginning at time t = 0, a capacitor of unknown value Cis discharged through a resistor R = 47 kN. What values are obtained for C and V? Does the best-fit curve accurately describe the V vs. tfit as an interpolated line on the same XY Graph used to plot the V vs. [11.26), that is, V fit = V exp (-tfit/RC), at all of the tfit values, Plot Vfit vs. Then create another array called Vfit, which is produced by evaluating the best-fit form of Eq. (9) Finally, generate an array of time values called tfit from t = 0 to 0.030 s in 0.001 s increments. Using these best-fit a, and 2, calculate C (in pF) and V, and display these values in front-panel indicators. These constants will be given as the first and second elements of the P row vector, that is, p(1) = 4, and p(2) = a, (unlike LabVIEW arrays, MathScript- array indexing begins with 1, rather than 0). s) = polyfit(x, y, 1) to determine the constants a.


Add the required code within your MathScript Node to form the y array (use help basic to find the MathScript command for the natural logarithm), and then use [p. In particular, use the MathScript command can be linearized in the form of the first-order polynomial y = a + a,x, where a, and a, are constants. Discharging Capacitor (MathScript).vi (MathScript Only) Write a MathScript- based program that analyzes the discharging capacitor experiment described in Problem 6.

Plot a function in mathscript node labview